Indicator for Assessing the Sustainbility of Site-scale Development Projecs Focused on Assemsment on Environmental Sustainbility of Apartment Estates in the Stage of Planning and Design

단지규모 개발사업의 지속가능성 평가지표


  • Published : 20020000


The purpose of this study is to develop the sustainability indicators for assessing environmental sustainability of site-scale development projects. This research, out of these projects, focuses on environmental sustainability of apartment estates in the stage of planning and design. In order to achieve the aims of this study, first priority was given to set up systematic framework of sustainability indicators. Based on the framework, the assessment categories and indicators by each category were established. Secondly, for securing and finding out the feasibilities of selected indicators, they were applied to some of apartment estates in Seoul metropolitan area with obtainable data in the stage of planning and design. As the result of the application, feasible indicators were obtained and the grades of measured values were deduced. Thirdly, this paper presented comprehensive environmental sustainability indicators by making an index from the deduced indicators. The weighted values of each indicator were obtained by questionnaire survey of the experts. Finally, 19 apartment estates which were preassessed for applicability were evaluated on environmental sustainability.



  1. 경기의제21추진협의회 경기의제 21 지속성 지표개발 및 지속가능한 개발전략 수립 곽일천
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  3. 환경지표의 종합체계화 기법개발 및 활용방안에 관한 연구(Ⅱ) 국립환경연구원
  4. 환경지표의 종합체계화 기법개발 및 활용방안에 관한 연구(Ⅲ) 국립환경연구원
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