A Study on Commuting Patterns in Seoul Metropolitan Area, 1990-1996

수도권의 통근통행 패턴에 관한 연구, 1990-1996

Yoon, In-Ha;Kim, Ho-Yeon

  • Published : 2003.11.30


This study examines the changes in the commuting pattern for Seoul metropolitan area during 1990-1996. It was found that the average commuting distance for workers in Seoul metropolitan area has increased due to rapid decentralization during the said period. One of the major for causes for exacerbation of the jobs-housing mismatch problem was the new towns which were built to alleviate the shortage of housing supply. To identify determinants of the commuting distance for the residents, a multiple regression analysis was performed using a 2 % sample data of 1996. Following conclusions can be drawn. First, high-income commuters who are likely to own homes and hold white-collar occupations such as administrators, managers and professionals tend to commute over significantly longer distances. Second, commuting distances of workers with jobs in central Seoul area are longer than those of workers who commute to the peripheral region. Third, female workers generally commute over shorter distances than men. Taking these findings into consideration, efforts should be made to help the new towns become more self-sufficient.



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