A Study on the Materialism of Korean and Japan Undergraduates

한 . 일 여자대학생들의 물질주의성향

  • 김정숙 (제주대학교 가정관리학과) ;
  • 권정원 (서울대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


The objective of this study was to find variables related to materialism of university students in Korea and Japan. A questionnaire research method was conducted and 477 samples were selected. Korean university students have higher materialism than Japanese university students. Korean undergraduates are influenced by reference group, but Japanese university students are influenced by group identity. Materialism of Korean university students are influenced by nonmaterialism, reference group, perception of living level, self concept, pocket money, mother's job. Materialism of Japan university students is influenced by nonmaterialism, group identity, perception of living level, grade. The strongest predictor of materialism of Korean university students is nonmaterialism, followed by reference group. The strongest predictor of materialism of Japanese university students is nonmaterialism, followed by group identity.



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