Assessment oral Health-related quality of life using the Oral Health Impact Profile(OHIP)

구강건강영향지수를 이용한 삶의 질과 관련된 구강건강평가

Kim, Seol-Hee;Lim, Sun-A;Park, Soo-Joung;Kim, Dong-Kie

  • Published : 20041200


The growing recognition that the quality of life is all important outcome of dental care has created a need for a range of instruments to measure oral health-related quality of life. The aim of this study wasto report the prevalence of oral disease and its impact on the quality of life among adults aged45 yeats and older. The data from a self-complete version, a questionnaire indicated the self-rated oral health, the self perceived need for dental care, the dental visiting patterns and oral health-related quality of life was measured using the oral health impact profile(OHIP-49. 7 dimensions). The sample consisted of 600 adults. The relationship between the OHIP 7 dimensions compared with the group based on their dental status(dentate/edentulous) and age group was statistically sigificant(P <0.0 I). People with dentures were more likely, to report having many problems in all seven dimensions covered by the OHIP scale than those with natural teeth only. The data analyzed by age showed, significant differences in seven sub-scales. These results indicate that the OHIP has a negative impact on the daily lives of a substantial proportions of older people. This impact was particularly noticeable among the edentulous and denture wearers.



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