The actual Conditions of Physique and Relationship of Body Composition and Physical Fitness of High School Students

고등학생의 체격실태와 신체구성과 체력과의 관련성

Heo, Jeong

  • Published : 20040000


In order to present the best body composition for physical fitness, and diagnosis a pyknic's physical fitness, after I grasp the tendency of growth and development of physique and physical fitness of high school students, and examinate the relation of physical fitness and body composition, I have investigated 606 high school students. I have checked body dimension, physical fitness (8 categories) and bio-electrical impedance, and analysed them by sexes. As a result, I arrived at the following conclusion: 1. The Tendency of Body Dimension by Sex and Age Male Students: While they didn't show much difference in physique depending on ages, the width of humerus which represents the growth of bones showed significant difference. It was a little bigger when they were 16 or 17 rather than 15. Female Students: While height was almost similar regardless of ages, the weight and girth were a bit higher when they were 17 rather than 15 or 16. Body fat didn't show any significant difference between sexes. 2. The Tendency of Body Fitness Development Male Students: Muscular strength and muscular endurance increased significantly as they got older. However, agility, power and balance decreased when they were 17(the 3rd grade). Female Students: Unlike male students, muscular strength had increased until they became 16, and then decreased when they were 17. Muscular endurance and body endurance decreased after the age of 15( the 1st grade).



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