Conservative Value Evaluation for Rural Amenity Resources - focused on Water, Air, Animal and Plants -

CVM을 이용한 농촌 어메니티자원의 보전가치평가 - 물, 공기, 동식물을 중심으로 -

Cho, Soon-Jae;Yun, Hee-Jeong;Kim, Hye-Min

  • Published : 2004.11.30


This study intends to evaluate economic values of rural amenity resources focused on water, air, animals and plants. For this purpose, CVM(Contingent Valuation Method), environmental economic methods, is applied. The object of this study is 601 rural residents and 603 urban people all over the country. As the result of this study, the WTP of rural amenity resources is influenced by education, age, average salary and average leisure cost each household of respondents. The WTP of each household for 1 month is 6,730 won(water), 6,210 won(air), 6,005 won(animals and plants), therefore, the WTP of whole household for 1 year is about 116 billion won(water), 107 billion won(air), 103 billion won(animals and plants). Finally the economic values of all rural amenity resources for 1 years are presumed to several tens or hundreds of trillion won.



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  9. 주민참여계획모델에 의한 농촌어매니티 자원발굴 및 설계기술 현장적용 연구, 농림기술개발과제 1차년도 연차실적보고서 농촌자원개발연구소
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