A Study on Using Network-GIS for the Integrated Management of Urban Stream

통합적 도시하천 관리를 위한 Network GIS 활용방안에 관한 연구

Kim, Ho-Yong;Nam, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Sung-Ho

  • Published : 2004.04.30


The purpose of this study is to adapt Network GIS to analyze spatial interaction and query with linear reference for integrated management of urban stream. Recently, integrated management of the urban stream that is achieving various roles such as flood control, habitat offer for wild animals and plants, and open space for citizens is more importantly recognized. Considering various functions of urban stream, collaborative effort between each department in local government is still insufficient. In this paper, we suggest Network GIS and Dynamic Segmentation method to solve the problem of alteration and diversity of urban stream related information. Dynamic Segmentation is the process of transforming linearly reference data that have been stored in a table into features. There are two types of route locations(point and linear event) that can be modeled. This paper presented the process that extract the urban stream centerline and other information from digital map, convert the centerline to route data and integrate all data of urban stream attribute to urban stream document that is used for management of urban stream dynamically. This method has advantages in efficiency to handle data and effectiveness to offer new analysis functions to us to support spatial decision-making for integrated management of urban stream.



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