Types and Trends of Indicators in the Study of Urban Landcape Planning

도시경관계획을 위한 지표의 연구경향과 유형

Kim, Yong-Su;Park, Chan-Yong

  • Published : 20060000


This study has shown the analysis of the applicable indicators and types of indicators on landscape planning through studying in and outside of the country's documents. Also it has been considering the problems about landscape, types of indicator, and method of estimating landscape in each cities' prepared landscape planning paper. By comparing and contrasting with other documents, I have tried to assort and show more common landscape planning indicators. The trend of the study has revealed that mostly the study is done by sensory and visual indicator. Since the mid-1990, landscape planning and assessments by using ecological indicator that is easy to express physically have increased. On the other hand, for socially used indicator is composed of abstract pointers which use popular words. For the study and application of historical and cultural indicator shows the lack of development in research. In the landscape planning report, I can figure out the extreme focus on using sensory and visual indicator, and using ecological indicator partially for natural green land and river view.



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