The Transformation of the Spatial Structure by Commuting Flows in the Capital Region Using Network Analysis 1980-2000

네트워크 분석을 통한 수도권의 공간구조 변화, 1980-2000년

Lee, Hui-Yeon;Kim, Hong-Ju

  • Published : 20060000


The purpose of this study is to investigate the transformation of the spatial structure by commuting flows in the Capital region during the period of 1980-2000. In this study, social network analysis method is adopted to construct the topology of commuting flows and to calculate the degree-centrality and prestige-centrality of nodal points within commuting network. The meaningful characteristics found during the last 20 year analysis can be summarized as the decline of traditional downtown(Jongro & Jung-gu) and the emergence of a new CBD(Kangnam-gu). Also new towns such as Sungnam, Youngin, Goyang, have firmly established as subcenters for the Capital region, absorbing more in-commuters. The inter-regional linkage system in the Capital region was reshaped, and the spatial structure of commuting flows was organized in a more complicated and wider bound during the study period. Findings can provide important implications for spatial policy of the Capital region to coping with the transportation problem in the future.



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