A study on knowledge and attitude to the water fluoridation at fluoridated area and non fluoridated area in Gimhae

수돗물불소농도조정사업 혜택여부에 따른 김해시민의 의식과 태도에 관한 조사연구

Kim, Dong-Yeol;Moon, Seon-Jeong;Kim, Dong-Kie

  • Published : 20061200


Objectives: Disseminating wrong information on water fluoridation project prohibited people from judging rightly and acted as a hindrance on expansive operation of the project. So authors purposed to provide basic data for educating people of the project availability and for the progressive and effective operation of the project hereafter. Methods: The survey with self-administrated questionnaire was carried out to 1,407 inhabitants in Gimhae city and then analyzed obtained the results. Results: Purified tap water for drinking was 57.3% at fluoridated area and 49.4% at non-fluoridated area. The recognition rate of program performing was 67.1% at fluoridated area and 57.1% at nonfluoridated area. In regard of recognition path on program performing, mass media was 58.0% at fluoridated area and 56.4% at non-fluoridated area. On recognition rate of the each concepts, prevention of dental caries was 72.8% at fluoridated area and 68.4% at non-fluoridated area. The recognition rate of safety was 74.2% at fluoridated area and 69.0% at non-fluoridated area, in the meantime performingexpansion agreement rate of fluoridated and non-fluoridated area were 72.8% and 76.9% respectively. Conclusions: The water fluoridation project which was purposed to provide fluorine adjusted water would be beneficial to all individuals regardless of high or low socioeconomic level. So for expansion and development of the water fluoridation, it is required to reinforce the education which is related to dental caries preventive efficacy, safety and efficiency for inhabitants through delivery of right information and various publicity activities.



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