도심 업종의 분포특성에 관한 연구: 대전시를 사례로

A Study on the Distribution Characteristics of Facilities in the Central Business District of Daejeon

Lim, Byung-Ho

  • 발행 : 2007.06.19


This study was performed to analyze the distribution characteristics of facilities located in the central business district of Daejeon metropolitan city. This research analyzed the agglomeration and dispersion, and the contiguity for 36 facilities in the region. This study estimated the average spatial distances of the 36 facilities. In addition, the 36 facilities were classified into similar types using a statistical analysis method, MDS (Multidimentional Scaling).The results of this study are summarized as follows;The facilities for shopping goods such as bedclothes, precious metals, cosmetics, and accessories, showed the accumulative distribution pattern while those for convenience goods such as coffee shops, drugstores, convenience stores, laundries and beauty salons, exhibited the dispersive distribution pattern. From the contiguity analysis, the facilities for shopping goods such as precious metals, cosmetics, and accessories were found to have the spatial similarity, representing that the average spatial distance from one facility to another is close. In addition, food and beverage facilities such as coffee shops, bars, and restaurants and convenience facilities such as beauty salons, convenience stores, and laundries, were analyzed to have higher contiguity relative to other types of facilities.



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