Texture Changes of Soybean Paste(Doenjang) by Heat Treatment

가열에 의한 된장의 텍스쳐 변화

Mok, Chul-Kyoon

  • Published : 20070500


Soybean paste(Doenjang) was heat-sterilized at 100~120℃ for 5~40 min and the textural characteristics were determined with texture profile analysis. The response surface models for the hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, springiness and initial stress of the heat-sterilized Doenjang were developed as functions of sterilization temperature and time. The texture of Doenjang was changed remarkably by the heat treatment. All the textural properties increased by the initial heat treatment and started to decrease on further heat treatment. The great changes in the textural properties by the heat treatment indicated that the heating alone was not suitable for the sterilization of Doenjang.



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