Effect of the Environmental Issue Instruction on the University Student's Environmental Literacy

환경쟁점수업이 대학생의 환경소양 신장에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2008.12.31


The goal of today's environmental education is to enhance the understanding of the serious of environmental problems and the interactions among environment. With this perspectives people need to be aware that environmental education is no longer a liberal arts in university education, but play a vital role within the socio-cultural context. This study was performed to assess the changes in the university student's attitudes and consciousness in real life after the education of a point at issues of environmental problems. For this study 11 questionnaires which were composed of large scale environmental problems(water and air pollution), and small scale environmental problems(food additives, GMO, endocrine disrupter) were performed with self-administered by university students(n=781) who made a application for liberal arts related to environmental subjects. According to the analysis the most student's consciousness of a point at issue of environmental problems(water pollution, air pollution, additives, GMO, endocrine disrupter), and practical attitudes(i.e., practical attendant at congregation and internet voting) were change statistically significant(p<0.01) after the education of a point at issue of environmental problems rather than before. Specially, the score for the item of the large scale problem of environmental issues(water pollution, air pollution) were decreased significantly(p<0.01), but the score for the small scale problems, such as food additives, GMO, endocrine disrupter were increased significantly(p<0.01) after the education of a point at issue of environmental problems(p<0.01). And among the students that participated, 97.7% responded that such a point at issues of environmental problem is needed at the university. With this educational improvements supports the states that the education of a point at issue of environmental problems were more essential, practical and needed to students at university rather than that of an existing instruction. Thus, further studies are required to develop the education of environmental issues at universities like STSE programme.



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