A Comparative Study on Cognition and Consumption Patterns of Korean Rice Cake Classified by Age in Busan

부산지역 주민의 연령별 떡에 대한 인식 및 이용실태 조사

  • 이정숙 (고신대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정숙희 (동아대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김선희 (고신대학교 사회복지학부)
  • Published : 2008.04.30


This study was carried out to investigate the Korean rice cake cognition and consumption patterns classified by age in Busan. The survey was conducted from November 21 to December 26, 2007 by questionnaires and data were analyzed by SPSS program. The results are summarized as follows: Forty one point two percent of the elementary school group, 29.0% of the high school group, 35.0% of 2,30's, 44.5% of 4,50's and 39.5% of over 60's took Korean rice cake once or twice per month. Sixty two point eight percent of elementary group, 44.0% of the high school group, 43.0% of 2,30's, 42.5% of 4,50's and 49.5% of over 60's preferred Korean rice cake. The most important basis for selecting rice cake was 'taste' in all of the subjects. The improvements for rice cake were indicated as taste, preservation and packing. As their age decreased, the score of preference for Gaepiduk, Danja, Dootupduk, Bookumi, Soemuriduk, Julpyun, Jorangi and Jungpyun were decreased. Songpyun, Garaeduk, Injulmi, Siruduk and Moojigaeduk were highly recognized as Korean rice cakes. There was a significant positive correlation between preference of rice cake and age, sex, obesity and recognition degree (p < 0.01). Therefore the understanding of the requirements of the subjects according to age and sex is needed to encourage them to choose Korean rice cake.



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