The Effects of Compact City Characteristics on Transportation Energy Consumption and Air Quality

압축도시 공간구조 특성이 교통에너지 소비와 대기오염 농도에 미치는 영향

Kim, Seung-Nam;Lee, Kyung-Hwan;Ahn, Kun-Hyuck

  • Published : 20090400


The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of compact city characteristics on transportation energy consumption and air pollutant concentration. For this purpose, macro scale characteristics of compact city were divided into three categories through literature review: urban density, urban form(the level of polycentricity and compactness) and transportation infrastructure. And then, various data regarding these characteristics have been gathered from 54 cities in Korea and analyzed by using correlation analysis and path analysis. The main results of this study are as follow. First, a polycentric city or centralized city is more suitable then a monocentric city or dispersed city for reducing transportation energy consumption and rate of air pollution. Second, as public transportation service is increased, more energy is saved which results in air pollutant reduction. Finally, the effects of urban density were found out very complex. As the urban density increases, transportation energy consumption tends to decrease. However, high density development causes concentration of air pollutant at the same time. Therefore, urban density policy should be acted out after considering about the existing air quality. These results lead us to the conclusion that `decentralized concentration' development is most suitable for sustainable urban structure.



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