The Relationship between Sleep Pattern, Eating Habit, and the Perceived Skin Health among Female Adults

여성의 수면습관 및 식습관과 지각된 피부건강 간의 관계

  • Yang, Mi-Young (Graduate School of Health and Welfare, Sahmyook University) ;
  • Suh, Kyung-Hyun (Graduate School of Health and Welfare, Sahmyook University)
  • 양미영 (삼육대학교 보건복지대학원 보건학과) ;
  • 서경현 (삼육대학교 보건복지대학원 보건학과)
  • Received : 2009.10.11
  • Accepted : 2009.12.12
  • Published : 2009.12.30


Objectives: The researchers investigated the relationship between sleep pattern (circadian rhythm/sleep deprivation), eating habit, and the perceived skin condition of female adults, in orders to provide valuable information to women who want to maintain healthy skin and professionals in health promotion. Methods: The participants were 297 female adults whose ages ranged from 20 to 60 (M=35.14, SD=10.37). The questionnaires and psychological tests used in this research included the following: Circadian Rhythm Questionnaire, Sleep Deprivation Scale, Eating Habit Questionnaire, Skin Condition Questionnaire, Scale for Perceived Skin Health. Results: Results indicated that evening type women had more fatty skin and felt their skins less healthier than morning type. Although women who did not deprived their sleep had more fatty and sensitive skin and felt their skins less healthier than women who deprived their sleep, sleep deprivation was positively related to the morningness, and the morningness was negatively related to the preference of fatty and spicy foods. Only the preference of fatty foods among eating habit was positively related to the fatty and sensitive skin, and negatively to the perceived skin health. Regression analyses with circadian rhythm and the preference of fatty foods revealed that only circadian rhythm was significant predictor for the fatty skin, while the preference of fatty foods was only significant predictor for the sensitive skin and the perceived skin health. And, circadian rhythm and the preference of fatty foods accounted for around 12.0% variance of the fatty skin. Conclusion: This study reiterates the roles of fatty foods on skin health, and found the role of circadian rhythm on skin health, and it is needed to explore the relationship between sleep deprivation and skin condition further. These results may provide useful information for health practitioners.



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