Pregnancy and Childbirth Experiences of Immigrant Women in a Multi-Cultural Family

다문화 가정 이주여성의 임신과 출산 경험

  • Published : 2010.07.31


Objectives: This study aimed to explore experiences of pregnancy and childbirth of immigrant women in order to gain a deeper understanding of their individual experiences and the meaning that it hold for them. Methods: A phenomenological approach used. Study participants were eight immigrant women aged 22~32 years who had experienced pregnancy and childbirth during the last 3 years in Korea. Data were collected by in-depth interviews. The method proposed by Colaizzi (1978) was used to guide the process of data analysis. Results: Theme clusters which emerged from themes were: 'following the pregnancy progress', 'a hard life in a foreign country', 'missing her hometown', 'having difficulty in adapting to the culture', 'hoping to be a nice mother.' Conclusion: This study provides an understanding on pregnancy and childbirth experiences of immigrant women in a multi-cultural society. This study findings can be utilized for a nursing intervention for care of immigrant women during pregnancy and childbirth.



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