A Study on U-Service Pool Evaluation and SRM Template for Development of U-City SRM

U-City 서비스 로드맵 작성을 위한 U-시비스 평가 및 SRM 템플릿 개발

Jeong, Keong-Seok;Moon, Tae-Heon;Heo, Sun-Young

  • Published : 20100400


U-City Service Road Map (SRM) refers to a tool or strategic plan that becomes a guideline to forecast the U-City services and technologies which should be developed in each stage of U-City construction and in each entity such as government, enterprise, industry, etc on the basis of prospect of U-City service market. The purpose of this study is to propose a methodology to draw U-City Service Road Map (SRM) and a repository. This goal was more specified by establishing U-City service classification system, drawing SRM methodology, developing SRM template and evaluating service portfolio. As research scope and method, firstly, this study established U-City service pool and classification system. Second, 228 unit services were evaluated to make a SRM by conducting Delphi survey to experts. The questionnaire were mainly composed of the importance of each service and time when service can be applied to real city etc. Then, the portfolio of U-City services was drawn up based on the analysis of development priority by utilizing positioning map. Third, methodology of drawing SRM was devised by checking out the principal SRM components and standard, which were differentiated by other road maps. Fourth, SRM template was designed. In this stage, the road map of unit services and the service connection map template were developed. Fifth step is the developing SRM of individual U-City service and integrated SRM of 228 services. Existing technology roadmap is only considering the time span. However, SRM and service connection map which were proposed in this study are considering scope of urban space as well as time span in order to defme more clearly the nature of U-City services. This can be called the unique feature of this study different from previous studies. SRM is expected to be utilized as reference guideline to make strategies of service development and management. Moreover service connection map will support to develop or find integrated and complex services.



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