The Effects of Compact-City Development at the Living Area of Neighborhood Level on Modal Split and Self-Sufficiency

근린생활권 단위의 압축도시개발이 통행수단분담율과 자족성에 미치는 효과분석

Sung, Hyun-Gon;Choo, Sang-Ho

  • Published : 20100200


This study has been aimed to identify the effects of compact-city development at the living area of neighborhood level on transportation policy measures in the capital region . For the purpose of it, the study established the regression analysis model of compact-city planning elements to modal split and inner-travel ratio. The planning elements are defined as Density, Diversity, Design and Accessibility. The analysis results demonstrate that compact-city planning should be applied to the capital region at the neighborhood level to reduce car-oriented travel pattern. In addition to it, the results suggest that policy measures of both modal split and self-sufficiency might not be simultaneously accomplished by compact-city planning. For example, both population density and rail accessibility have a positive impact on reducing car split while they have a negative impact on self-sufficiency and inner-travel ratio. It means that compact-city planning at the neighborhood level need to be applied to achieve either of them, not both.



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