The Establishment of B-TOD Concept and Setting up Transit Access Distance by Cycling

자전거이용행태 기반 TOD(B-TOD)의 개념 및 계획권 설정연구

  • Received : 2010.04.24
  • Accepted : 2010.08.13
  • Published : 2010.11.30


Along as the application of IT(information technology) to the bicycle like public bike systems, the need for planning and design of B-TOD which can be described as bicycle based TOD as a prototype of future urban space have been filed. The purpose of this paper is to expand the traditional concept of TOD to B-TOD(a bicycle based TOD) and suggest the planning boundaries with design directions for this. To set up the spatial extent of B-TOD, characteristics of commuters using bicycle and cumulative traffic distribution were derived from the behavior of bicycle commuters in the catchment area of 6 subway stations of Daejeon City, Korea. We examined 4 travel types and found travel limit distance of 85 percentile were 2.21km for 'Origin(home)${\rightarrow}$Transit stop' and 2.54km for 'Transit stop${\rightarrow}$Work' through cumulative distribution model estimation. On the basis of this study, it is expected to overcome the weakness of traditional concept of TOD and also further study for design principle and guideline for B-TOD is needed.



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