Study on Variables Related to Adults' Suicidal Ideation

성인기 자살생각 관련 변인에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2011.10.31


This study was intended to apply Kemp's ecosystem model to inclusively understand the variables that relate to adults' suicidal ideation. This study had three objectives: first, to understand the level of suicidal ideation in adulthood; second, to analyze the difference in adults' suicidal ideation according to ecosystem variables and third, to understand the impact of ecosystem variables on suicidal ideation. This study surveyed 500 adults between 30 and 55 years of age in 10 regions of Korea from May through August in 2010 and a total of 307 were used for the analysis. The findings of this study are threefold: first, the overall level of suicidal ideation was low at 1.425 point, but there were 16.9% of adults who answered they have thought about suicide, about 9.6% of adults have thought about it recently, 6.9% of adults have told someone about committing a suicide, 7.5% of adults have thought about ending their lives by suicide, and about 3.9% of adults have attempted suicide. Therefore, the risk of suicidal ideation to which adults are exposed should not be overlooked. adults with greater depression and frustration had higher level of suicidal ideation in micro-system variables, adults with lower family cohesion had higher level of suicidal ideation in intermediate variables, and adults with greater occupational stress had higher level of suicidal ideation in macro-system variables. Third, in result of performing hierarchical regression analysis, all of the ecosystem variables explained adult's suicidal ideation by 42.7% and depression had the greatest relative impact on adults' suicidal ideation. Greater depression and lower family cohesion increased the level of suicidal ideation. The conclusion of this study is first, micro-system variables had the greatest impact on adults' suicidal ideation. Second, depression had the greatest impact on adults' suicidal ideation and family cohesion also impacted adults' suicidal ideation.



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