Climacteric and Menopausal Women's Beliefs on Daily Meals and Food Supplements - A Focus Group Interview Study -

경남지역 일부 갱년기.폐경기 여성의 식사와 건강보조식품에 관한 신념 - 포커스그룹 심층면접 연구 -

  • 변정순 (창원대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김미정 (신라대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이경혜 (창원대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Received : 2011.03.02
  • Accepted : 2011.04.04
  • Published : 2011.04.30


The aim of the study was to explore the current status as well as personal views, attitudes, and beliefs regarding daily meal consumption (DM) and food supplement use (FS) in conjunction with the improvement of health condition of the women. Eight focus group interviews were performed and the interview material was condensed systematically with the aim to extract core meanings related to DM, FS, and menopause-associated health. Participants were 40 in number and showed ages ranging from 45 and 60 years with various menopausal status. Current status and beliefs about DM, resources of purchase motivation of FS, types of FS that are currently used, and perceived effects and personal beliefs about FS are discussed. Theme content analysis revealed 3 themes for beliefs about DM, 5 themes for beliefs pertaining FS, and 4 themes for the association between DM and FS. Non-dietary factors such as positive mental attitude and exercise appeared to be also important to maintain good health. The bottom line message from this study may be that proper nutrition through daily meals is essential for good health, while food supplement are used merely to supplement the diet. Findings from this study may deepen our understanding of how women who translate their lifespan through "menopause" perceive the roles and meaning of DM and FS, suggesting health professionals need to monitor and evaluate DM and implement strategies targeting the improvement of daily meal quality of middle and older aged women.



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