Relation Analysis between the Settlement Condition and Life Satisfaction for Rural Residents - Focusing on Jeollabukdo -

농촌주민의 정주여건 인식과 생활만족도의 관계 분석 - 전라북도 농촌지역을 대상으로 -

  • 지남석 (인천발전연구원 도시기반연구부) ;
  • 이창우 (전북발전연구원 새만금지역개발연구부)
  • Received : 2013.10.14
  • Accepted : 2013.11.18
  • Published : 2013.12.30


This study of the living environment for rural residents to identify the relationship between perception and satisfaction are as. Jeollabukdo rural residents survey and SPSS 18.0 statistical program utilizes improvement of rural environment and living conditions were discussed. The main analysis results are summarized as follows. First, rural residents use the facility convenience and accessibility, economic burden, there was a tendency to recognize the important, good natural environment or their children / relatives for the distance was a low awareness. Second, the location and land a job for men, the women have a higher awareness of the use of public transportation inclination showed less than 50 age group showed higher awareness. Third, the rural living environment of residents' satisfaction with 3.544, and overall satisfaction with village life showed a high propensity men have higher satisfaction than women. Finally, the living environment for the perception and satisfaction with the relationship between residential stability and economic awareness of a higher living environment was found that high satisfaction. These findings further improve the rural environment, improve satisfaction in that you can plan the basis for an effective strategy can be. More sustainable in the future, including the analysis of various parameters in progress by being linked to policy measures that will be provided.



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