The Effects of Renewable Energy in Agricultural Sector

농업분야 신재생에너지 보급현황 및 파급효과 분석

  • Park, Jiyun (Korea Rural Economic Institute, Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy Research) ;
  • Kim, Yeonjoong (Korea Rural Economic Institute, Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policy Research)
  • 박지연 (한국농촌경제연구원 농림산업정책연구본부) ;
  • 김연중 (한국농촌경제연구원 농림산업정책연구본부)
  • Received : 2018.09.21
  • Accepted : 2019.01.04
  • Published : 2019.01.31


The increase in the amount of energy used in the agricultural sector due to the expansion of agricultural machinery and greenhouse horticulture has caused a range of problems, such as an increase in the cost of input, such as heating costs and greenhouse gas emission. To overcome these problems, this study examined the current status of energy use in greenhouse horticulture as well as the change patterns of non-taxable oil and agricultural electricity, and reviewed the current status of the supply of renewable energy and energy saving facilities for agriculture. This study investigated the area of advanced and renewable energy and energy saving facilities implemented, applied the energy saving ratio of advanced and renewable energy and energy saving facilities, and determined the effects of renewable energy in the agricultural sector, such as increase in production, decrease in heating cost, reduction in Government financial expenditure, reduction in greenhouse gas emission, and oil substitution effect.

농기계와 시설원예 보급 확대 등으로 인하여 농업부문 에너지 이용량이 증가함에 따라 난방비 등 투입비용의 증가 및 온실가스 배출 등 여러 가지 문제점이 발생하고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 개선하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 시설원예 농업부문 에너지 이용실태를 개략적으로 살펴보고, 면세유, 농사용 전기의 변화 형태를 살펴보았으며, 농업용 신재생에너지 및 에너지 절감시설의 보급현황을 검토하였다. 마지막으로 신재생에너지 및 에너지 절감시설의 보급면적을 조사하고, 신재생에너지와 에너지 절감시설의 에너지 절감비율을 적용하여, 농업부문 신재생에너지 및 에너지 절감시설 보급에 따른 난방비 절감효과, 생산성 증대효과, 정부재정지출절감효과, 온실가스 절감효과, 그리고 석유류 대체효과를 살펴보았다. 주요 분석결과(파프리카)는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 단위면적당 재정지출 절감효과는 열회수환기장치가 300,863원/10a으로 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 국제유가가 상승할수록 신재생에너지 및 에너지 절감시설 보급에 따른 재정지출 절감효과도 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 온실가스 감축에 따른 경제적 총 편익을 계산한 결과 다겹보온커튼이 608.1억 원으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 농업부문 신재생에너지 및 에너지 절감시설의 보급은 경유 등 에너지 투입비용을 감소시킴으로써 경영비 절감효과를 가져오는데 열회수환기장치는 3,593천 원/10a의 난방비 등 경영비 절감 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 농업부문 신재생에너지 및 에너지 절감시설은 투입비용 절감효과뿐만 아니라 생산성 증대효과도 있다. 지열히트펌프의 경우 9,539kg/10a의 파프리타 생산량 증대효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 농업부문 신재생에너지 및 에너지 절감시설의 보급은 경유 등 석유류 투입을 대체하는 효과가 있으며 열회수환기장치는 1,806리터/10a의 석유류 대체효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.


Table 1. Agricultural energy use efficiency project fund

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Table 2. Distribution of Renewable Energy in Agricultural Sector

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Table 3. Distribution of Energy Saving Facilities in Ag. Sector

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Table 4. Reduction of financial expenditure of paprika by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 5. Reduction of financial expenditure of paprika by oil price scenario

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Table 6. Reduction of financial expenditure of tomato by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 7. Reduction of financial expenditure of tomato by oil price scenario

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Table 8. Carbon emission factors by energy sources

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Table 9. Reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission from paprika by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 10. Reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emission from tomato by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 11. Reduction of heating costs of paprika by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 12. Reduction of heating costs of paprika by oil price scenario

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Table 13. Reduction of heating costs of tomato by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 14. Reduction of heating costs of tomato by oil price scenario

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Table 15. Increase in quantity produced of paprika by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 16. Increase in production of paprika by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 17. Increase in quantity produced of tomato by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 18. Increase in production of tomato by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 19. Oil replacement effects of paprika by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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Table 20. Oil replacement effects of tomato by introduction of renewable energy and energy saving facilities

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