The Oral Health Behavior and its Related Factor in Korean University Students

일부수도권대학생의 구강보건행태와 그 연관요인

Lee, Jae-Seung;Lee, Heung-Soo

  • Published : 20040900


The purpose of this study is to provide basic information about oral health behavior of university students and to analyze its related factor. Questionnaire surveys were conducted for 562 university students who are attending schools in and around Seoul, Their knowledge and attitude towards oral health and dental services utilization were surveyed. In this paper Health Belief Model with the Social Cognitive Theory is applied to the analysis of dental services utilization behavior, and its possibly related factor was also surveyed. Health Belief Model with the Social Cognitive Theory consisted of oral health belief, self efficacy, oral health attitude, modifying factors and cue to action. For modifying factors, socioeconomic factor, study-related factor, and locus of control were surveyed. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Even though most of the students recognized that oral health was an important health issue, there were more subjects who lowly regarded the level of the perceived self-oral health knowledge than who regarded highly. 2. About 66 percent of the students consented to the enforcement of water fluoridation and it was found out that the more knowledge level they think they have on water fluoridation, and the more perceived seriousness to oral disease and perceived benefits of preventive action they have, the more positive opinion they have on water fluoridation. 3. the annual proportion of students' dental visits was 45.6% and the major variables influencing the utilization of dental services were the amount of impediment of study due to the oral disease, interest in oral health issue, gender and so on. The more impediment on study they have and the more interest they hive in oral health issue, the more dental care utilization was likely. Women were more likely to use dental care. 4. The average number of students' dental visits was 1.73 per year and the major variables which related to the number of dental visits were the level of impediment of study due to the oral disease, interest in oral health issue, perceived susceptibility to oral disease, self-efficacy and so on. Level of impediment of study was the most important factor affecting dental utilization of students.



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