A Comparative Study on Facilities Distribution of the New and Old Urban Central District in Daejeon

신.구도심의 업종분포특성 비교연구 - 대전시 사례를 중심으로 -

Lim, Byung-Ho

  • Published : 20080600


This study was performed to make a comparative study on facilities distribution of new and old urban central district in Daejeon. The results are summarized as follows.First, the facilities such as food and beverage, private service, business had a high distribution ratio, so that it was supposed that those were frequent facilities in urban central district.Secondly, correlation analysis was executed to examine the similarity of facilities distribution between the old urban central district and the new one. Analysis showed that a correlation coefficient was 0.866. And regression analysis was performed to derive a trend line of facilities distribution between two urban central districts.Thirdly, the facilities such as printing and publishing, clothing and accessory, lodging, retail and miscellaneous goods, furniture and industrial arts, electric machine, building materials had characteristics of concentrating in new urban central district, while the facilities as study and training, business, hospital, liquor store had characteristics of converging into old urban central district.And Finally, the facilities such as study and training, business, hospital, liquor store were major facilities of new urban central district. And the facilities as printing and publishing, clothing and accessory, lodging, retail and miscellaneous goods were major facilities of old urban central district.The results of this study expected to clue on revitalization of old urban central district and decentralization of city.



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