A study on utilization of worker's dental services : an application of theory of planned behavior

계획된 행동이론을 이용한 산업장 근로자의 치과의료이용에 관한 연구

Chang, Bun-Ja;Lee, Sung-Kook

  • Published : 2008.12.01


Objectives: This study was carried out to examine the factors which are related to the behavioral intention and behavior on utilization of worker's dental services with dental diseases for dental examination screening, using the theory of planned behavior(TPB). Methods: The first TPB questionnaire was administered to 963 subjects before dental examinations screening at one health examination institute, between May and June in 2008. An investigation of the dental utilization rate was also conducted by administering a second survey to the 538 subjects with dental disease from the results of dental examination screening. The data was utilized using χ2-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, logistic regression analysis . Results: 1) Worker's rate with dental disease by the dental examination screening was 538 (55.9%) among 963 subjects. 2) The dental utilization rate within one month of workers with dental disease was 108(20.1%) among 538 subjects. 3) Attitude toward utilization of dental services and subjective norm which are components of the theory of planned behavior have significant effects on intention of dental services. 4) Intention which is a components of the theory of planned behavior has significant effects on utilization of dental services. Conclusions: To improve dental utilization rate of workers with dental disease, the implementation of an intervention program will be necessary. More attention which converts behavioral intention into actual behaviors is needed.



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