A comparative study on the oral health behaviors between medical and non-medical workers

의료기관 근로자와 비의료기관 근로자의 구강보건행태 비교연구

Choi, Mi-Hye;Oh, Hyo-Won;Lee, Heung-Soo

  • Published : 20091200


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to perform a comparative analysis of the oral health behaviors between medical workers and non-medical workers. Methods: The study subject were 458 workers from 4 working places(non-medical workers 237, medical workers 221) and they were selected by a convenient sampling method. The data for this study was obtained by means of a self-administrated questionnaire. Results: The proportion of medical workers who thought that they have a high level of oral health knowledge was higher than that of the non-medical workers who thought the same. It was also found that medical workers had higher subjective concern about their oral health than did non-medical workers. Medical workers brushed their teeth as often as 3.62 times a day, which was more frequent than that of the non-medical workers, and the former showed a higher rate of practicing toothbrushing after each meal than did the latter. The proportion of medical workers who had ever undergone an oral examination was lower than that of the non-medical workers who did so, but the former showed higher satisfaction with the oral examination than did the latter. The proportion of medical workers who had ever been educated about oral health was higher than that of the non-medical workers, and the proportion of the former who revealed willingness to join in-house oral health education was higher than that of the latter. Conclusions: Medical workers have more favorable oral health behaviors than do non-medical workers, and we can suggest that the high ageessibility to oral health information was helpful to improve oral health. Therefore, we need to create an environment that is supportive of good oral health behavior in order for workers have better oral health.



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