Oral symptom experiences and oral health behaviors of dental hygiene students and non-health related students

치위생과 학생과 비보건계열 학생의 일부 구강증상 경험과 구강건강 지식과 행동

Lee, Eun-Kyoung;Kim, Ji-Young;Yoon, Young-Sook;Lee, Mi-Oak;Hwang, Yun-Suk;Kim, Jin-Bom

  • Published : 20090300


Objectives: The purpose of this study were to assess some oral symptom experiences and oral health knowledge and behaviors of college students and to assess the influences of dental hygiene education on dental hygiene course students. Methods: 1,216 subjects were composed of third year dental hygiene students and students majoring non-health related course attending 9 universities in Korea. They were asked to complete a self-administered survey on some oral symptom experiences and oral health knowledge and behaviors. Questionnaires were distributed on university campuses and collected after recording the answers. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS PC statistical package and chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test were used to examine the significance of difference between dental hygiene students and non-health related course students. Results: Rate of students brushing their teeth after snack was higher(34.8%) in third year dental hygiene students, and major source of knowledge on oral health was found to be school lecture for dental hygiene groups and television broadcast and public health center for non-dental hygiene group. Rate of oral prophylaxis experience was higher in third year dental hygiene students(94.1%) and lower non-health related students(23.4%). The gingival bleeding experience was found to be higher in non-health related students(70.7%). Female smoking rate is 3.1% in dental hygiene students and 17.5% in non-health related students. Gingival bleeding experience was higher in smokers(71.7%) than non-smokers(62.4%). Conclusions: Oral health knowledge and behaviors were assessed to be not good in non-health related course students. Oral health education should be strengthened for them.



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