Development and Application of an Ecological Assessment Model in Urban : case of Cheongju

도시 생태성 평가모형 개발을 통한 청주시 생태성 평가적용

Jang, Yong-Hoon;Hwang, Hyun-Jin;Hwang, Hee-Yun

  • Published : 20091100


In the 21st century, 'ecology' is widely used in aspects of urban planning. In addition, paradigm of urban planning in most parts of the world has changed to ESSD related to ecology. For this reason, this study is focused on the ecological property of urban area. The purpose of the study was to understand the ecological property. First, this study analyzed ecological assessment factors based on the existing research materials to understand ecological property. Second, the survey was conducted through the professional researchers for weights of assessment factors. On the other hand, for ecological property assessment, elements were rated through assessment model. Finally, by applying weights, final grade was elicited. This study is distinct from previous studies since it elicited the property factors and constructed assessment model.



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