Development Scheme of a Land-Use Transport Model for Korea's Large Cities toward a Low-Carbon-Energy-Saving City

저탄소.에너지절약도시 구현을 위한 우리나라 대도시의 토지이용-교통모델 개발방향

Lee, Seung-Il

  • Published : 20100200


Due to the global warming, a low-carbon-energy-saving city has become a new urban development paradigm. Land-use transport model is also gaining the interest of urban planers since it is able to simulate the long-term effects of low-carbon urban policies. This paper aimed to provide a scheme to develope a land-use transport model for Korea's large cities, which would be a low-carbon-energy-saving city. First of all , the domestic researches on the model were examined to understand our own state. On the other hand, the foreign researches assessing operational models with respect to all modeling aspects were investigated with classification of the period to find out the relationship between the change of model development purpose and that of urban development paradigm This resulted in setting some important guidelines to build an applicable model for the cities with very poor experiences in model.



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