Knowledge and attitude about adjusted water fluoridation among parents in Gunsan, Korea

전라북도 군산시 일부 학부모의 수돗물불소농도조정사업에 관한 의식

Lee, Heung-Soo;Yu, Mi-Sun;Oh, Hyo-Won

  • Published : 2007.03.30


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to survey the knowledge of parents, to prepare basic data for the development of adjusted water fluoridation program. Methods: The survey with self-administrated questionnaire was carried out to n 1,809 parents of school-children in Gunsan city and then analyzed obtained the results. The data were analysed using the chi-square test. Results : Overall, 61.7 percent of parents has heard about adjusted water fluoridation. 64.9% of respondents knew very well the object of water fluoridation program which is implemented to prevent dental caries. The parents had the affirmative opinion for the adjusted water fluoridation was 4 times more than the negative opinion. Respondents approving and opposing for the implementation of water fluoridation were 49.9% and 11.5%, respectively. The recognition rate and approval rate of water fluoridation were different according to respondent's education level and income. Regarding the opinions on the implementation of the water fluoridation program, the answer that a representative of local authorities should make a decision based on the relevant expertsopinions was found most in parents. 45.9% of respondents agreed with decision of local authorities chairman for implementation of water fluoridation Conclusions : The parents of school children had affirmative opinion to the adjusted water fluoridation. So for implementation of the water fluoridation, it is required to reinforce education for inhabitants through delivery of right information and various publicity activities.



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