A study on relationships between oral health care status and QOL and IADL of the elderly

고령자의 구강건강 상태와 IADL, QOL과의 관계

  • Nam, Yong-Ok (Department of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University)
  • 남용옥 (원광보건대학 치위생과)
  • Received : 2010.07.10
  • Accepted : 2010.08.19
  • Published : 2010.09.30


Objectives. In order to evaluate influence on instrumental activities of daly living (IADL) and quality of life (QOL) relevant to oral healthcare status of the elderly, this study investigated socio-demographic characteristics, oral healthcare status, and IADL and QOL by using face scale. Methods. T-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multi regression analysis were used with 315 data finally collected through individual interviews and dental examinations of the elderly over age 60 living in Jeollabukdo province. Results. 1. The numbers of remaining tooth of men and women are similar, and the higher age is, the more significant the number decreases (p<0.001) and IADL and QOL are also damaged, and women's facial expressions are better than men's. 2. IADL and QOL of people without complete denture or partial denture are high, which conversely means that IADL and QOL of people with many remaining teeth are high. IADL is high in people saying that they don't need denture, and their QOL is also high and there is statistically significant difference. 3. The less periodontal diseases are contracted and the cleaner oral cavity is, the higher IADL is and also QOL is shown positively, and there is statistically significant difference in cleanliness of oral cavity (p<0.05). 4. The relationships between chewing ability and IADL and QOL show that IADL and QOL are good in people who can chew all kinds of foods and have experiences of dental treatments, and IADL is statistically significant (p<0.001) but QOL isn't statistically significant. 5. The higher QOL and chewing ability are, the higher IADL is, which is statistically significant (p<0.01). Conclusions. It can be considered that oral healthcare status of the elderly has significant relationships with IADL or QOL. Especially, in order to heighten IADL of the elderly and then to promote QOL, as the number of remaining tooth has great influence, by aggressively applying this in oral healthcare educations or oral healthcare projects, IADL or QOL should be improved.



Supported by : 원광보건대학


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